EVOX Admin


The attendant is the main contact window for all incoming calls to the company. With EVOX, you can set up a live attendant or configure auto-attendant to answer calls.


Receptionist (live attendant)

You can select a receptionist to answer calls if you prefer a live attendant. When the receptionist is not available to answer an incoming call, you can set up other extensions or departments to receive the call.

  • You can record and set up lunch break and after work greetings to assist callers and/or leave a message when the receptionist is not available.
  • With speed dial menus, you can forward calls to the right team when the receptionist is not available.

Auto-attendant: company greetings

You can select auto-attendant to answer incoming calls with a customized company greeting. The auto-attendant allows callers to enter a digit selection to be directed to an extension or ring group (sales or support, for example).

  • Automatic text to voice translation allows you to easily create company greetings.
  • Main greeting for regular office hours.
  • An optional secondary greeting for a second language, a special announcement, or a seasonal message.
  • An optional noon time greeting for when personnel may not be available to answer calls or when the live receptionist is not available.
  • An optional after work greeting can be used for outside work hour information even if live receptionist has been selected to answer inbound calls.

Auto-attendant: dial menu

You can associate users or groups to a short “speed dial” number which allows an inbound caller to quickly reach them with just one or two digits. A typical auto-attendant dial menu might include the receptionist, sales, support, and a few other popular departments.


Return to main menu

You can append the “return to main menu greeting” option to a user’s voicemail greeting. This allows a caller to go back to the auto-attendant menu and select a different extension or group by pressing the * key. The default greeting provided by EVOX can be customized for your business needs.

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User Management

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Call detail record

Call Detail Record

Company call detail record with export function

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Group Ring

Group Ring

Set up group ring or ring group

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